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Welcome to “Things I’ve Learned”

I do most of my best thinking when in the shower or lying in bed trying to fall asleep. I used to think a lot while driving, but now I listen to books which seems much more productive. I was in the shower today, and I learned something new. My shampoo bottle appeared to be empty, and I decided to add a tiny amount of water and shake it up. Low and behold, I had plenty of shampoo to wash my hair not only today, but it seems like for many more days. This wasn’t a new concept to me. I recall adding water to shampoo bottles in the past and coming up with very diluted shampoo. What was different today was the amount of water I added. It was minute compared to past times. It seemed to have brought the  residual shampoo that was stuck to the sides and bottom of the bottle into the mix, and the consistency was perfect! Today I learned that using a small amount of water is actually more efficient in that it gave me better quality shampoo.

I found it rather amusing that at the age of 65, I had just now figured this out. So I was laughing at myself, and I started thinking, “gosh, I probably learned a lot of things over the years. Maybe I should start a blog and share some of them. Why not add one more thing to my already full plate! It will be fun, at least.”

So here I am, I’m starting a new blog, and we’ll see where it goes.

In the meantime, thank you for reading this, and I hope that you can make your shampoo last longer now too.

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(Additional note – When I talked with a family member about the shampoo thing, she had an even better tip. This wise person told me that she puts water in her shampoo, conditioner, and liquid soap when it’s at the halfway point. Most are very thick, and this makes it a nice consistency, and it works well. So, we can learn even more when we share what we have learned!)